Mobile app trends

Angry Birds & the Mighty Eagle

Angry Birds Peace Treaty

Type n Talk iPhone App Review

Pandora on the iPhone

Android Game - Robo Defense

GAMEBOID - Gameboy Advance Emulator for Android OS

Lifecasting with Ovi


鮭魚、鱈魚裝在兔子冰碗上 @ 台北市光復北路100巷
菇好像種在碗中,新鮮摘來吃。 @ 一兵一卒

Low carbon Taiwan exhibtion and green architecture

Umbrella for climate change@Low carbon Taiwan exhibit @ 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek 
Memorial Hal
3D theater @Low carbon Taiwan exhibit @ 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
fruit battery: 6 lemon contributed to 1.5 volt of electricity @ 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
me in eco-green earth @ 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall



Espresso Linda

I found nice coffee in Tao Yuan. @ Espresso Linda 咖啡會館
A miniature motorcycle is too small to handle.
The heart shape remained till the last drop of coffee @ Espresso Linda 咖啡會館

Petit Cafe

Nice latte in the southern city of Taipei @ Petit Cafe.
Dacquoise with almond is really something perfect for latte. @ Petit Cafe.

3 business highlight for 7 Eleven

3 business highlight for 7 Eleven convenient store in Taiwan @ 台北市汀州路二段.
It will become standard store signs for every 7 Eleven in Taiwan.  A good start for location based service application. With 7 Eleven WiFi, there are lots of add-on values for Uni-president.

Fifteen pizzeria

White truffle mushroom pizza.白松露磨菇蘿勒比薩@Fifteen pizzeria @ 和平東路科技大樓. There is a branch store near Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial in Taipei.